Actual changes in Tax Legislation of Uzbekistan in 2023

Seminar on "Actual changes in Tax Legislation of Uzbekistan in 2023" was held by IBAC company for accountants, financiers and lawyers of large companies.
Innovations were highlighted on the seminar:
-Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan №3RU-812 of 30.12.2022. "On additions and amendments to legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the adoption of the main directions of fiscal and budgetary policy for 2023";
-Presidential Decree № UP-287 of 30.12.2022 "On measures to divide the territories of the republic into categories and the introduction of a differentiated system of support for entrepreneurship";
Other normative legal acts.
The presentation highlights the latest actual changes in the sphere of accounting, taxation, entrepreneurship, and changes that are useful for business entity.